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ITCC Research


Title Details Year

Laboratorium Information Technology Certification Center (ITCC) STT PLN adalah laboratorium yang menangani beberapa program sertifikasi berskala internasional, diperlukan adanya keselarasaan...

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika


Strategi dan kebijakan dalam suatu organisasi yang profit oriented juga mempunyai misi sosial (public service) yang mengutamakan pada layanan konsumen. Perkembangan ...

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika


The International International Technology Certification Center (ITCC) is one of the implementing agencies for certification at the STTPLN academic community to support certification .....

Peneliti : Irvan Yunus Aritonang, Moh Rifai, Hendra Jatnika


Penelitian ini membahas mengenai prediksi tingkat kelulusan peserta uji sertifikasi microsoft office specialist versi 2013 (word dan excel) bertujuan untuk memberikan .....

Peneliti : Mochamad Farid Rifai, Hendra Jatnika, Bowval Valentino


This study discusses the profit prediction of the financial accountability report for each activity of the internal certification program aimed at providing information related to the ...

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika, M. Farid Rifai, Riani Saputri Abadi


This study discusses the application of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) / recruitment website which can provide an overview in the selection of ITCC assistant .....

Peneliti : Mulya Jefri, Hendra Jatnika, Moch. Farid Rifai


This study discusses the Certification Scheduling (SITASI) application / processing website that can manage data and schedule certification activities that aim to assist ITCC assistants ...

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika, Mochamad Farid Rifai, Lydia Tiomas Evalien Napitupulu


This study about measuring the quality of web-based records management app at ITCC ITPLN ...

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika, Mochamad Farid Rifai, Vincentia Reynada Primadhani


Community service in the form of introducing computer technology to students is an effort to improve and introduce computer components among children....

Peneliti : Hendra Jatnika, Mochamad Farid Rifai, Yessy Fitriani, Asisten ITCC Periode 2023-2024



Title Details Year

The Guide Book is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals navigate and master the Microsoft Word 2016 software ...

ISBN : 978-623-6387-46-7

Editor : Rakhmadi Irfansyah Putra, Hendra Jatnika, Mia Kusmiati


Excel 2019 is a versatile tool for working with data, conducting analysis, and creating informative reports across various fields, both personal and professional...

ISBN : 978-623-8049-59-2

Authors : Hendra Jatnika, Rakhmadi Irfansyah Putra, Abdurrasyid, Mochamad Farid Rifai


This certification is specifically designed for educators and education staff with the goal of assisting them in maximizing the potential of technology in teaching and learning ...

ISBN : 978-623-8049-50-9

Authors : Rakhmadi Irfansyah Putra, Hendra Jatnika Mia Kusmiati


This certification is to solidify understanding of fundamental AI concepts and how AI technology can be applied using the services and tools provided by the Microsoft Azure cloud platform ...

ISBN : 978-623-8049-60-8

Authors : Pritasari Palupiningsih, Rakhmadi Irfansyah Putra, Hendra Jatnika, Yessy Fitriani, M Yoga Distra Sudirman


Microsoft Power Point 2019 is a presentation software used to create visual slideshows for conveying information, ideas, and data using text, images, animations, and multimedia elements ...

ISBN : 978-623-8049-63-9

Authors : Hendra Jatnika, Luqman, Herman Bedi Agtriadi, Meilia Nur Indah Susanti